
Saturday, 15 December 2012

We'r graduated !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I graduated ^^
This is the first line I would like to say.
After all sort of up and down, all of us in Cohort 2 were successfully graduated ^^

Still remember the morning before my turn to enter the exam hall, those non-stop practicing moment in Subba's room.

Still remember how tension I was even after finished my contextual issue presentation because DECP would be 4 days after it. 

Still remember how tiring it was when we had to study till late at night, arguing for appropriate treatments,  practiced case after case in order to get perfect timing. One word to describe: exhausting. 

Still remember those uneasy and panic feelings while waiting my turn for DECP. 

Still remember I thought I'm gonna screwed up my DECP during the exam time (My marker got a stringent face and I was running out of my time).

Still remember we all gathered to have class picture but smiled with a heart of worrying for the exam marks.

Still remember when the moment our class achieved 100% passes in both contextual issue and DECP, everyone was in tears, the happy tears after all. We even jumped and hugs each others as we couldn't believe we all were passed . Thanks GOD. 

Here are some photos that taken by my friend, Sze Kwang after exams:

 Class picture with the UK lectures ^^
Special thx to Wendy (purple shirt), she is my exam moderator throughout the 4 years of the course.

Class picture with our beloved lectures, they have great personality ^^

 with Programme coordinator and our ex year tutor^^

 With the year tutor!!!

 Our look as college students.

 Epic faces^^

 A picture with all Chinese in our class!!!

 Our own Gangnam style!!!

Hey hey....this was during our practice time in gym!!!

Class picture but not all was presenting that time.

Dinner with the lecturers!!!


We are awesome la^^

Of course, a photo with my dearly Dennis.
I wanted a photo with our uniform on.

Although, we were happy for the passes. The result of our project proposal still another big time bomb for us.
We still waiting for the mark till now. However, sir had mentioned we all pass the project proposal as well even though the mark still haven't reveal yet. (Trust me, this is a feeling where we can't be happy to the max as we still don't know our mark but still...we were glad that at least they told us about the passes.)

All these precious moment will be remembered along with the whole time of my life.
I can't believe we are going to step into a new phrase of our life, working life.
A new phrase of my life as well. be frank, I'm still planning and picturing how's my future gonna be.

Life is good. I love life^^

P/S: I'm sorry to those who already see these photos for so many times cos These are the available photos I got so far and I love them too much >.<

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