
Thursday, 18 October 2012

His Birthday!!!

Finally, I can write this post after completing my mock exam. Everything is fine but more efforts are needed for the actul coming exam >.<

This is a birthday post for Dennis Lieu, my hilarious bf.
We celebrated his birthday one week ago and he was happy and surprised for the birthday celebration.
I planned to give a surprising birthday celebration for him since he did the same for me >.<
Moreover, this is his 21st birthday so I think it is essential to give him something special.
I believe this babi hutan sure is expecting something from me!!!
This is quite headache because I have no ideas what to give him.
But, I still able to come out some ideas 

1. Perfume + birthday card.
He gave me a hint that he wanted a perfume as birthday present.
To be frank, my sense for choosing nice perfume is terrible, whatever I thought is nice, it would not be nice for him
So, I don't know how!!!
Luckily, I got Kai Wen and Subba, they really gave me their hand in time!!!
At last I got a nice perfume with affordable price !!! *wink*

Perfume from The Face Shop.

 Gift box.
Like this gift box picture so just uploaded it. ^^

 For him. Blek :p
This time, I really running out of ideas on how to make the card.
This time, the card is a bit simple for him.

2. Customized birthday cake
Yeah, a cake which is specifically made for him with a cartoon version of his face on it.
This is so hard to draw the draft as his eyes is so small!!!! lol

 So, I draw a bigger eyes for this. Look cute right?!!!
He do mention that this cartoon face doesn't really look like him.
Overall, he still likes it. ^^

3. Birthday video from Penangites.
I got an ideas to gather all the video with birthday wishes for him.
Thanks for his family members and friends being so cooperative by contributing their efforts to make the respective videos!!!
You guys are really awesome and he is lucky to have you all!!!
TQ so much!!!

Another surprise was given by his KL gang.
We lied to him that only me will be celebrated with him on Wednesday.
In fact, his gang already waited outside Station1 and prepared to come in any time.
I really poor in organisation la.
Cos it almost can't be done due to my nervous and panic action. lol.
Forgot to take more pictures and even our picture with the birthday cake.
Luckily, we still able to surprise him without any prior informed.

The look after getting his gifts.

 Reading the card.
I gave it right before the gang came in.
Cos I really shy to give in front of them >.<


 Cake and the Candles....!!!

 Making his wishes.

 Cutting the cake.

 With the gang.
Take 1.

 With the gang.
Take 2.

Really appreciate the gang willing to come out at midnight just for him.
Really paiseh as I know some of them quite tired after this. Especially tomorrow still got classes and work.
Anyway, TQ so so much!!!

Thanks to everyone who participate in this celebration and make him happy.

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