It is really awesome to see the bunch of them finishing the course and laughing happily together.
The four years that they had gone through till today is not an easy pathway. They went through a lot since they are the 1st degree batch in our course but somehow, they make through it .
Congrats to all my beloved seniors ^^
The programme of today is really interesting and useful.
Especially a talk from Ms Lim Yi Lin. Interesting topic that leading all of us to a better picture of how a physiotherapist can be and what are the things that we need to consider in our practice.
This is somehow merge to our learning outcome!!!
I pretty sure, we are on the right track.
Here are some pictures during the event:
I like her talk.
Interesting, motivating and straight to the point.
She gave me a clear picture of what type a physiotherapist I would be in future.
See, my pals all stayed focus to the talk.
Well, there are few power point presentations which is spoken by my seniors.
Their topic is awesome and interesting.
Especially the drug rehab policy. I never heard it b4 and it totally gives me an new ideas how it can be helpful and useful to our society.
The most important is, physio do play the role in it.
Hey, this is where the climax is....debate!!!
Funny and hilarious scene.
We witnessed how much of evidence-based practice impact on them.
They totally utilise it throughout the debate.
Creative dancing by them^^
Oh man...we cried during this section (although this is not our time to be so emotional, but we still cried).
The videos touched our heart.
We have seen the road they had gone through so far.
Thankful to be part of the audience today. Happy on behalf of them.
I can say it is not easy throughout their 4 years course in college. (As a junior, I truly understand how much effort we have to put in order to get a good results)
All I want to say is, ALL THE BEST to u guys.
Another 7 months, there will be our turn. ^^
Cohort 2 members, better be prepared and I know we can make it together!!!
I would really thanks You all dear Cohort 2 for coming back to be part of the academic event.. All the best to u all and have fun too !